R.P. Selegin
Abstract. The study presents a comparative analysis of the well-known and time-tested traditional and dialectical logic, and logic of the beginning of the universe from Nothing. As an object for comparison, the logic of the model from Nothing is represented by its fundamental logical cross which is an integral object that consists of a speculative “longitudinal” line, where opposites are formed in a sequential order, opposing speculative “transverse” line, where opposites are formed in a parallel order as negation of sequential order. When describing a logical cross, its comparison with the Christian trinity and the Hindu triad Trimurti is given in a more expanded form than before.
Comparison of the logical cross with the Christian and Hindu trinities clearly shows, on the one hand, the similarity between the “transverse” line of the cross and the Christian trinity, and on the other hand, the similarity between the “longitudinal” line of the cross and the Hindu trinity. The revealed similarities indicate the origin of both trinities from the model from Nothing, which makes it possible to reveal the true meaning of their essential and formal structure. Despite the dominance of the Christian trinity in the West, and the Hindu trinity in the East, the model determines their dual unity, due to the dual nature of the logical cross structure of the model, which indicates the fundamental scientific character of the religious trinity.
It has been established that the law of the Hegelian triad, which is a general law of dialectical development, is determined for an external observer as a surface phenomenon, the essence of which is a logical cross. Since the thesis and antithesis of the Hegelian triad correlates with the logic of the development of the “longitudinal” line, and the synthesis is artificially introduced into the triad from the second part of the development of the “transverse” line, the logic of the Hegelian triad predominantly correlates with the “longitudinal” line of the logical cross. It is shown that the new European dialectic appeared as a negation of the new European metaphysics, which, having Christian trinity as its ideological source mostly corresponds to the “transverse” line. Within the framework of modern European science, metaphysics and dialectics have not found their union; their dual unity is defined, like the unity of two religious trinities, by the dual integrity of the lines of the logical cross.
Analysis of the three laws of Aristotle’s logic made it possible to identify their relevance mainly to the “transverse” line of the logical cross, which makes the laws of Aristotle basically ideologically similar to modern European metaphysics. The law of sufficient foundation of Leibniz, which is considered to be the fourth law of traditional logic, is due to the existence of a universal causal relationship of the being world, which, on the contrary, is determined by the logic of the “longitudinal” line. Therefore, it was concluded that the law of validity as a more general law, it is advisable to include the model from Nothing into the universal law of the self-similar hierarchy of pairs of opposites, and consider the logic of the three laws of Aristotle as a “firm foundation” logic to be a full-fledged branch of this law of the hierarchy of pairs.
The main conclusion of the comparative analysis is the claim of the model from Nothing to an exhaustive general logical completeness of its construction, which is explained by the origin of the logic of the model from the uncaused Nothing, the other specified religious and scientific objects of comparison are particular cases of the model.
The reliable empirical validity of traditional logic with modern European metaphysics and dialectical logic, as well as their dual unity, which is the dual unity of the two lines of the logical cross, makes a significant contribution to the empirical validity of the model from Nothing. The discovered dual unity of the European sciences and the dual unity of the religious trinities, as well as the dual unity of science and religion, provide the basis for the possibility of the emergence of a fundamentally new spiritual and materialistic natural science, as well as a new unified religion that can develop in a perceived dual relationship, and general theory of logic of model from Nothing can be used both for learning to think correctly and for the correct construction of any particular ideology or theory.
Keywords: dual logic, formal logic, dialectical logic, modern European metaphysics, Christian trinity, Hindu triad, logical cross, model from Nothing.