R.P. Selegin
Abstract. The global geographic paradox of the Earth is described, consisting in the existence of a materially nonexistent planetary octahedron, which makes a significant contribution to the formation of the surface of the planet and the development of life on it. The impact of the octahedron on the planet is revealed at the junction of the three sciences: the model of the Universe development from Nothing, physical geography and social science. The first of these is the most ancient fundamental theory of the world order, which is now being recreated, and therefore little known; it develops from purely theoretical concepts to observed realities. The other two are the sciences of the opposite path of development, coming from empiricism to particular generalizations and, as it turns out, well confirming the existence of the colossal power of the invisible octahedron with their generally known information on geomorphology with geophysics and the theory of social institutions with psychology data about mental types of people. It is found that the two-pole octahedron tops not only form the ovoid shape of the planet (geoid), orient the location of the oceans and continents, and create the relief of the earth’s crust, but also induce dual types of people’s mentality on the continents. The effect of the octahedron takes place in conjunction with the action of bipolar historical cycles, which together constitute the space-time continuum of the Earth. It turns out that the ancient model from Nothing can not only explain and systematize the data of modern science, but also make very long-term scientific forecasts of the society development, and, possibly, foresee the development of the earth’s crust as well. Proceeding from the comparative analysis of the institutional matrices theory and the model from Nothing, it is shown how, using the hermeneutic circle method, an effective complementary development of disparate Western disciplines (particulars) and a re-created unified Eastern science (generals) is possible, which will create a fundamentally new integrated East-West science.
Keywords: model from Nothing, yin and yang, duality and triplicity, Platonic solids, octahedron of the Earth, geophysics, terrestrial geoid, geomorphology, antipodality of oceans and continents, tectonics of lithospheric plates, continental triads, Pangea supercontinent, East-West dichotomy, institutional matrices theory, two types of mentality.